
The appearance of a top illuminati person in YouTube

Mr. Benjamin finally dragged Mr. Leo Lyon Zagami (A 33rd degree freemason in Italy; Prince Santelia who originates in Great Roman Empire) into the YouTube.

Mr. Benjamin, thank you for your courageous action! You save this planet!

by Benjamin’s blog, 06/10/2009 & 06/12/2009


Cancer patients have rapidly increased after 911 because of radiation exposure by a new hydrogen bomb. (Mr. Richard koshimizu)

The person engaged in rescue operation after the collapse of the WTC building became Leukemia, the Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, the Myeloma, and Brain Tumor. More than 100 people have already died. Numbers of people who did the class action: > 10,000
This news has very strictly regulated.

Soboku’s idea:

There is a possibility that the Tritium (3H) still remains in the organ such as a lung if use of the hydrogen bomb is true. Because the half life of the tritium is about 12 years. It should be able to detect the Tritium from the patients since 911 happened about 8 years ago.

If there are any doctor and any researcher who can see cancer patients after 911 in New York, I want someone to examine the Tritium by all means. However, the gamma rays from the Tritium cannot be detected with a usual Geiger counter. The scintillation counter like the photograph below is necessary.

If it is detected, this can become immediate evidence that the government executed. I want someone to try it by all means!

- Verification of WTC small hydrogen bomb collapse theory, 1) Outbreaks of leukaemia and brain tumors (Japanese and a part of English)
・Judge’s Ruling - Cop Gets Pension For ‘WTC Cancer'


A new hydrogen bomb was used for WTC building collapse at September 11 attacks (911)! (Mr. Richard koshimizu)

Dr. Yoshiaki Arata (professor emeritus at Osaka University in Japan), who is an Authority of nuclear fusion, said that the knowledge for the nuclear fusion of Mr. Richard Koshimizu is more than a researcher of nuclear fusion.
The Mr. Koshimizu says a surprising thing.

“A hydrogen bomb was used for the building collapse at 911! This is the technology that only an advanced country such as U.S.A. can make”.

As this fact looks to be regulated strictly, we don’t see this type of NEWS in the media.

- Google video: “911 Inside Job and Hereafter (Modified) by Richard Koshimizu”

- Phil Schneider Lecture - Nov 1995 (Aliens don't exist here)


The structure of "Illuminati"

This figure of The structure of "Illuminati" was from a PDF file of “The History of Banking.pdf” below, pages 56-60


Illuminati's plan

This figure of "Illuminati's plan" was from a PDF file of “The History of Banking.pdf” below, pages 39-55


How to control the world

This figure of “How to control the world” was from a PDF file of “The History of Banking.pdf” below, pages 29-38


"Illuminati” breeding program

Iluminati’s figures which Mr. Benjamin can trust.

by Benjamin’s blog, 05/24/2009

This figure of “Illuminati” breeding program was from a PDF file of “The History of Banking.pdf” below, pages 22-25