
The member of “Committee of 300” was disclosed!

It is said that “Committee of 300” is a part of the shady group. The member's list was exposed in Mr. Benjamin's blog.

You can see the names: George Bush, Elizabeth II, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller.

The list of “Committee of 300”: http://benjaminfulford.com/300.html

Benjamin’s blog:http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/
The list of “Committee of 300” is in the article of 05/12/2009.
The explanation about “Committee of 300” is in the article of 02/23/2009.

All member of 300 Committee, please surrender to authorities as soon as possible. Apologize to all people in this world. Otherwise it grows serious. It already comes out. No kidding! You will go to the hell.


The infection source of the swine flu was a vaccine !? (contaminated from the vaccine of general flu?)

Mr. Matthew said:
"Once again the dark streamers that are heavily influencing individuals in powerful positions have lashed out in what can be well-termed this energy's 'death rattle.' The newest strategy—the ordering of laboratory-designed, created and released swine flu virus—is, as before, abetted by the controlled media's part of the plan, to declare PANDEMIC! It is puzzling to us that these dark ones did not learn from their abject failures with SARS and then the avian flu, both of which were widely publicized with the same global pandemic prognosis; eventually the publicity was forced to cease because those diseases caused a few deaths, then totally fizzled out. This swine flu situation will have the same result. The technology of our family in other star nations has neutralized the vaccine that is intended to spread this disease, just as they did to prevent the spreading of SARS and avian flu.

Who makes vaccines?

--> USA - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ?

--> USA - Baxter (Pharmaceutics corporation) ?

Who is the executant in the back?

Mr. Benjamin said:
The Bush bio-weapon attack is failing, laws of nature are prevailing --- The bio-weapon released in Mexico and Switzerland and other places by the Bush/Clinton crime gang is not going to lead to a pandemic, a senior bio-weapon researcher says. The researcher, who was part of the team that developed HIV in the 1950’s to 60’s says the Bush/Clinton Nazis have been trying to carry out a mass genocide via disease for 50 years but had failed.

--> According to Benjamin, the executant seems to be the Bush/Clinton crime gang.

There is really very little chance that this swine flu breaks out naturally.

It is impossible that four genes (a Homo sapiens + bird + pig + pig) are mixed spontaneously!

→ read this article: “As Swine Flu Spreads, Conspiracy Theories of Laboratory Origins Abound

--> Listen this Radio: http://www.superhumanradio.com/rss/2009/SHR_Show_298.mp3

Be careful with any vaccine !


Exposed shady group!

I compile below that trusted four people say.

[1] Mr. Richard Koshimizu said:

Who is the shady group? = CFR (The Council on Foreign Relations), Secret Jew Society (David Rockefeller is the center.)

What is the plot of the shady group? = They want to complete NMO (New World Order) finally. They are trying to decrease the population of the earth to 1 billion seriously by NMO. I have begun to think that this was true since 1.5 years ago. They are also trying to kill many people when "Ascension" occurs at 2012 said spiritual.

[ References ]
Google video: “911 Inside Job and Hereafter (Modified) by Richard Koshimizu”

Richard’s web pages:

[2] Mr. Benjamin fulford said:

Who is the shady group? = The shady group is about 10,000 people in all:
[1] Oil concession group(
Rockefeller & Bush families et al.)
[2] Nuclear concession group(
Rothschild & British Royal families et al.)

They controlled the society by three principles: Gunpowder, Money, Pen
Gunpowder": The charge of the war in Washington D.C., USA
Money": The bribe charge in London where is an independent city.
Pen": The propaganda charge in the Vatican empire.

What is the plot of the shady group? = The Oil concession group carried out 911 --> Forge terrorisms and try to roll up the world in World War 3 --> Scatter a fatal viruses --> Decrease total population of the world down to one billion. --> Kill most people (Goim) who is not Jew. --> Establishment of world government (One World) that centers on Great Israel Empire and Enslave all humankind. (Revival of the ancient Roman Empire).

Benjamin’s HP: http://benjaminfulford.com/indexEnglish.html
Benjamin’s blog: http://benjaminfulford.typepad.com/benjaminfulford/

[3] Mr. Ry-man (Japanese) said:

Who is the shady group? The boss exists in Europe.
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/isehakusandou/d/20080427 (Japanese)

One of ringleaders who control USA in back:
Papa Bush
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/isehakusandou/d/20071217 (Japanese)

What is the plot of the shady group? = In the current Judaism, the principle of Messiah second coming supremacy is considered to be a few, but this is a pretense. What a Japanese should be surprised at is what "religion Judea" interprets the messiah doesn't come eternally If the world is peaceful. "Religion Judea" misunderstand it and they are still think of: "To see Messiah's face, they need to produce the world of the hell "by themselves."
http://blog.goo.ne.jp/isehakusandou/d/20090105 (Japanese)

Ry-man’s English blog: “Ise-HakuSun-Do, The Secret Essence behind the Samurai Spirit”: http://isehakusando-eng-version.blogspot.com/

[4] Mr. Matthew said:

Who is the shady group? = Illuminati, CIA, the Clintons & the Bush families
http://www.matthewbooks.com/mm/anmviewer.asp?a=90&z=2 (The 13th paragraph)

What is the plot of the shady group? = To return to the financial topic, the next several months can be likened to “the darkness before the dawn.” Many will experience hardships for a while, but those will be mild compared to what is on the Illuminati agenda, to plunge your world into such dire economic straits that billions would starve while those dark ones further enrich their unconscionable fortunes of illegally amassed wealth.
http://www.matthewbooks.com/mm/anmviewer.asp?a=84&z=2 (The sixth paragraph)

Totally separate four people (two journalists and two spiritual messages) seem to say the same thing. Will this be a simple coincidence?