A letter from Dr. Yoshiaki Arata, professor emeritus at Osaka University in Japan to Mr. Richard Koshimizu: (From Google Video 7min-11min, Japanese) :
------------------------------- (A letter from Dr. Arata:)
I’m afraid of writing a letter to you suddenly.
My co-worker in my laboratory found your article on the website. I saw your homepage, and your idea touched me so much.
I had devoted all my time to my research without knowing what happening in our society.
Unfortunately, my research wasn’t known by public at all. I’m already retired from the laboratory now, so it was difficult to ask for the financial help to keep studying my research to the government. Therefore I’ve been suffering my life for twenty years since I’ve retired from the laboratory. I thought that I might have a hope if I could show my study through the media. However the result ended up with that I was shallow and ignorant of the society.
The patent office didn’t accept my research result, because they believed my research result didn’t make sense. I was disappointed with them. A lot of media came to see my open experiments, but they didn’t even have any comment or question except Japanese Industry News (Nikkan Kougyo Shinbun). I was so shocked and so angry at the Japanese government and media. I thought they were so shameful and ignorant.
At this time, one of my young co-worker found your web site , and I saw it. I understood what you really meant about cold fusion ,and your thought touched me so much. I was surprised at your article, because your analysis of cold fusion was clearer than any other researchers’ analyses ever.
I’ve already retired from the laboratory, but I know that the laboratory does not have enough scientists and money now. After I got the medal for cultural merits, The Ministry of Science and Technology (文部省) offered me to establish a research center. Though I was really happy at the time, I couldn’t establish a research center. Because it was difficult to ask for financial help unless I am active worker. I tried to take an action through the governors to the government, however they refused my request. I was really disappointed at them.
I’m planning to use a small device for the next open experiment because of the consideration of practical use. My nuclear fusion reactor experiment reacted unusual way comparing to other scientists’ result. I try to create the device first and make people understand my research through my experiment. I’m really happy and appreciate for your website, because I can know somebody understands me. Moreover, I understand what was happening in our society on your website. I feel that I have to consider of saving our lives and conducting the cold fusion experiment as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your consideration.
Though I’m disappointed with our Japanese society, I have to consider about peace in Japan and also for human being.
Professor Emeritus at Osaka University
Yoshiaki Arata
---------------------------------------------- (End of the letter)
Professor Arata is a recognized authority on “Cold” Fusion experiment. He developed a nuclear fusion fifty years ago and is a very famous Professor who received
The Medal for Cultural Merits (Order of Culture) [Wikipedia:
Order of Culture]. Why the Patent Office ignores Professor Arata’s latest development of cold fusion? Why the media hide such a wonderful skill which can be the key to solve the energy problem? There must be an invisible agent which controls the world, and it makes our society worse.
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http://www10.ocn.ne.jp/%7Esolid_fu/solid_fusion_english.html- Report on Arata’s Paper and Lecture about his “Solid Fusion” Reactor (PDF file)